Thursday 10 March 2011

Long-distance CETTI'S WARBLER recovery

Chris Hughes reports that "one of the juvenile Cetti's Warblers ringed at Bainton, Cambridgeshire, on 27 June 2010 has turned up in Wales. The bird was controlled on 21 and 28 November 2010 at Kilpaison Marsh, Rhoscrowther, Pembrokeshire by Pembrokeshire Ringing Group. This bird travelled some 337km and although there is now much better evidence, through ringing recoveries, of the dispesive nature of this species, having checked back through 10 years of annual BTO ringing reports, this is the longest distance travelled within the UK. Oddly enough, the few foreign recoveries have tended to be French ringed birds caught on the south coast with less that 200km on the clock."

Brian Stone