Wednesday 4 January 2012

Exminster Marshes LONG-EARED OWL is unnecessarily harassed by photographers

Sadly, news of a roosting LONG-EARED OWL was broadcast on an assortment of news services which in turn attracted an element of undesirables travelling quite some distance to see it. Two particular individuals decided that they wanted to get to within a few feet of the bird, despite being challenged, and photographed it from a very close distance, causing it to wake up and be alarmed. A number of local observers asked for them to move away but were quite seriously threatened by one particular individual. He was photographed and appears to be a character I witnessed disturbing Stone Curlews at a nest. His vehicle number plate was taken but as he returned to his car, he became very violent and abusive towards those present and threatened to 'do' some of them over. This behaviour can not be tolerated and I urge those of you that witnessed it to report the incident to the police. I have photographs of the two individuals involved which can be used to help identify them.

My policy now, because of such repeated behaviour, is to suppress all Long-eared and easily disturbed Short-eared Owl locations - both species seem to act as a magnet for such behaviour